After one has selected a location to visit, it is important to collect a much information as possible for about the destination. One should seek clarity on the laws and customs governing the area. One should also gather information about the weather conditions to expect and any danger that can arise during the trip. Information about the destinations of choice can be found in NetGlobers pages for travel advice.
Preparing to Visit a New Place
Additional information that the person traveling can look for is the legal documents required to enter the country. One should ensure to have a passport that is up to date since specifications by countries about the legality of visas vary differently. In an event where one plans to drive to the destination, the driving license should be up to date, and the owner should be acutely aware of the laws governing roads at the select destination.
The person planning to travel should gather information on how much they would spend and therefore estimate the amount they would have to withdraw when they arrive. They should ensure that there is a certain amount of money in the currency of the country they are visiting to in case their home currency is not usable. The person traveling should visit the doctor for examination before making the trip to get closure on their medical state. Ensure that a few photocopies of the passport and other vital documents are packed safely before making the journey.
Ensuring Safety of the House before Leaving
It is important to have all your door locks, and windows checked to ensure they are functioning as required. It is very unsafe to leave even a single window in the house open. Electrical appliances in the home should be unplugged so as to prevent any losses arising from fires or any other eventualities. Water coming into the house should be turned off before leaving and so should the gas valves and thermostat. The person traveling can also set timers to switch on the lights at certain times to repel those who might think that the house is empty. The security alarm in the house should be left open and information sent to the security provider informing them of the length of the trip. Neighbors should also get a notice about the trip so that they can call authorities whenever they suspect any burglary attempt.
To make the house look occupied, one should inform mail and newspaper providers to cancel deliveries to your home temporarily. The neighbors can also help in collecting the messages. The homeowner can hire someone to mow their lawns or clear snow from the driveways to keep the home looking occupied. A car can also be left parked outside if possible. The message left on the answering machine should not disclose your absence from the house.